Monday, February 8, 2010

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

...there lived a girl who'd missed out on seeing many classic movies. This young girl often found herself lost in the conversations that referenced some of the best movies of all time. Instead, she used her free time to watch the same bad chick flicks over and over again. This didn't bode well for improving movie conversation, and she eventually met a boy who agreed. And so the project begins...

Adam and I have been married for over 3 years now. As we've settled into our lives as a married couple, we've grown our family to 2 cats and a dog, we've purchased our first home, gotten acclimated in steady jobs, and are planting our roots for the future. We've also learned more about our own hobbies and interests - the things that free our minds from the everyday responsibilities. Adam recently learned that he's fascinated by movies. When he discovered I hadn't seen The Godfather, Casablanca, Psycho, or Citizen Kane, he decided it was time to do something about it.

For my birthday - October 29, 2009 - Adam signed up for a Netflix account and presented the project to me. He printed a list of the top 250 movies from the Internet Movie Database ( and said, "We will watch ALL of these movies within the next year". I thought it was a great and thoughtful gift and couldn't wait to get started.

With full-time jobs, watching 250 movies in 365 days would be a challenge, so we are only focusing on the ones we haven't seen multiple times. Below are the first 5:

#1: The Shawshank Redemption (watched over 5 times before...didn't order this one)
#2: The Godfather
#3: The Godfather Part II
#4: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
#5: Pulp Fiction